How to Help Your Baby Get Used to Sunglasses?

It is important that children wear sunglasses at a young age. As a matter of fact, the younger the better and that is why COCOSAND has ranges of quality sunglasses that start from 0-12 months. Now if you are a parent of a baby or toddler, you probably feel the need to ask how you will prevent your baby from ripping them off their heads all the time. 

Firstly, let’s find out everything that you need to know about kids’ sunglasses. 

How important is it for babies and toddlers to wear sunglasses? 

It is very important, according to leading ophthalmologists, because it is believed that by the age of eighteen our eyes are already exposed to half the exposure we will ever receive in our lifetimes. Since you are likely to be taking your baby out quite a bit, this exposure begins early and that’s why you need to protect your baby’s eyes with infant sunglasses. 
Young children have less protective pigment in their eyes. Their pupils are large and the crystalline lens is less transparent, making their eyes more prone to damage from harmful UV exposure emitted by the sun’s rays. 

Don’t be fooled into thinking that if you keep your baby in the shade or put a broad-brimmed hat on his head that you are protecting him because UV rays are reflected off most surfaces, and especially water.  

Things to look for when buying shades for your baby

The sunglasses that are needed for babies and toddlers are different from those worn by older children and adults. Keep in mind the following important factors when looking to buy sunglasses for these young age groups. 

Frame material

Young children like to grab things and swing them around, often hitting themselves in the face. Therefore, choose a frame that is made from a flexible material that is soft. This will not only not hurt your baby if he cutely smacks himself, but will also be more comfortable to wear, making it more likely that he won’t want to pull; them off. Also, flexible frames are less likely to break and cause injuries to the face and eyes. 

Lens material

The lenses of children’s sunglasses should be impact resistant and polycarbonate lenses are the best. That way children can safely take part in any of their daily activities. The best tint is medium and the lens color does not actually affect the UV protection that it offers. Experts warn that you must make sure that the lenses offer 100% UVA and UVB protection. 

Lighter lenses are not always comfortable to wear in the sun, especially if you are spending the day at the beach. On the other hand, lenses that are too dark often cause the pupil to expand, allowing more UV light to penetrate the eyes. 

Complete eye coverage

Baby sunglasses need to cover the whole front of the eye and they need to have a good wrap to protect the eye peripherally. This helps to keep out harmful light as much as possible. 

Wrap-around band

These elastic bands help to keep the infant sunglasses put on your baby’s face and make it more difficult for him to pull the sunglasses off. 

Maximum protection lenses

The best lenses offer 100% protection against UVA and UVB light from the sun’s harmful rays while you and your baby enjoy your outdoor activities. 

What is the easiest way to get your baby to wear sunglasses? 

Babies and toddlers are notoriously difficult as far as sunglass wear is concerned. Babies tend to pull them off at every opportunity and toddlers can be very stubborn. It can be difficult to convince them to wear shades if they decide that don’t feel like it. 

These useful tips will help you convince these two difficult age-groups that they have to wear their sunglasses. 

Get the timing right

Bear in mind that it is very difficult to get your toddler used to wear shades while still indoors. The reason for this is that the lenses create darkness, something that scares young children. The best timing is just as you step outdoors; the protection from the glare is welcoming and your baby or toddler won’t feel the need to pull the sunglasses off. 

You are their role model

From six months and up babies and toddlers love to imitate their parent’s behavior and that of their siblings. Make sure that you, as parents set a good example and always wear sunglasses when leaving home. Ask any older children in the family to also put their shades on and set a good example. That way you are likely to have all-round cooperation.

Start them young

The younger your baby is when you start putting shades on him the easier it will be for him to get used to wearing them. The best baby sunglasses come with an elastic band that makes it comfortable for them to wear and your baby can also not pull them off easily. 

Persistence pays off 

Chances are that if your baby started wearing sunglasses since his first outing, he will get used to them in no time and hopefully will not pull them off when he is older. However, older infants do tend to rebel and to want to pull shades and hats off all the time. Be encouraging, yet firm and keep putting them back on. 

Distraction also helps

The minute that you notice that your young child wants to remove the sunglasses, try and distract him with something else to get his mind off the sunglasses. 

Let them have the upper hand 

From about the age of one and as they become toddlers, children start having a mind of their own. Let them choose the shades that they want from a high-quality range that is safe for them. At least then they will feel that it’s their choice and you can remind them that they chose the sunglasses whenever they rebel and don’t want to wear them. 

Where to find affordable sunglasses for babies, toddlers, and children

If you are looking for top-quality shades that are affordable then you need to look no further than the trendy range of children’s sunglasses at COCOSAND

The range includes baby sunglasses with elastic straps to ensure that they stay in place when needed to protect your baby’s eyes from the harsh sunlight. These infant sunglasses are made from non-toxic materials and are safe for your baby to wear. The shatter-resistant frames are 100% BPA free. 

Well-designed with attention paid to even the smallest details, these sunglasses follow the latest trends. The navigator range is specially designed to present hip infant sunglasses and toddler sunglasses. These shades are made to fit children of up to 2 years of age and they also feature the elastic band for a better fit. 

The rest of the range of navigator kids’ sunglasses are all perfect for ages 2-4 and ages 4+. Each pair of sleek and unique glasses comes in various colored frames that are lightweight. They offer 100% protection from UVA and UVB rays and are made from the highest quality materials. Seasonal ranges complement the clothes of the trendiest baby’s, toddlers, and children and the American Flag Sunglasses, recently included in the range, have proven to be extremely popular. 

COCOSAND makes it easy to find the right pair of kid’s sunglasses online,  all you and your children need to do is visit their website, let your toddler or older child help you choose which pair they want and they will be delivered at your door within a few days. Look out for special prices in some of the range and free deliveries are also available for bigger orders.

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